3 more results for Counseling
My name is Medium Lenore I am a International Psychic/ Medium living in Christchurch New Zealand
Over the last 30 years I have helped people globally with insight into their future pathways.I
believe in spirit and the spiritual world and over the years have had a
lot of proof. Those who are w…
Auckland, New Zealand
CounselingRob can help you with the following areas:
anxiety disorders,
the effects of trauma,
relationship issues
Rob has extensive and varied training in integrating psychodynamic and behavioural approaches, eastern meditation practices and empirically supported mindfulness…
Wellington, New Zealand
Kathryn Grace Coaching provides life coaching, career coaching, infertility support coaching as well as Bach Flower Consultations and Emotion Code Healing. Coaching provides the space to express what’s on top and be guided to discover your inner strength and wisdom to face challenges and make posi…