10 Karaka St, Takapuna, Auckland, 0622, New Zealand

About AvoPro Ltd
Established September 2002
Do You Know How to Grow Mini Avocado Trees?
Let Me Show You How. . .
"Growing Avocados in Small Gardens"?
I get this surprise question quite often.
Most people think; "It's difficult or even impossible".
It's Easy As. And, Yes! You Can.
You can grow these - - even in a small patio planter box.
In fact you can grow these almost anywhere.
And, they can fruit within just 2/3 years or even less.
Prune them to stand at 2.5 m tall. No More!
There's good science behind all this.
"Darwin found cross-pollination resulted in more numerous,
Larger, heavier, vigorous and more fertile offspring..."
The Secret Life of Plants
Do you want proof? Go watch this:
Go To >>> https://www.youtube.com/user/avocentric/videos
You'll be pleasantly surprised and glad that you did.
Watch them grow these babies.
You become one of them. Why not?
Grow 4 or more - - different avocado varieties - - close together.
I call this method "Space Saving Avocados" or Mini Avocado Trees.
Here're the top seven reasons why this works:
Plant 4 or More and You Get:
1. More fruit per tree.
2. Early and consistent - - year after year - - fruit-set.
3. They mature separately; you get All Year Round Avocados.
4. Safe and Eco-harvesting tree management & maintenance.
5. You can keep them like an average shrub - easy picking.
6. In fact, the More Varieties You Plant, The Better The Results.
7. Pruning lets Deep Sunlight Penetration >>> Healthy, balanced tree growth, more fruit, less plant pests / dis-eases.
The list of bonuses just goes on and on.
Imagine planting "Mini Avocado Trees".
Then picture a few years later.
Now see, hear and even feel all your family and friends amazed & astonished! Most gasp with unbelief - and delight - when they first see these beauties! I've caught quite a few of them on camera.
As you read every word of this, I'll give you another gift too!
Please ask for "New Gift Avo" E-Book on avocados.
There are lots more good stuff in it.
No charge. It's Fr*e^e*e!
Go for it. Visit avopro.org
Let Me Show You How. . .
"Growing Avocados in Small Gardens"?
I get this surprise question quite often.
Most people think; "It's difficult or even impossible".
It's Easy As. And, Yes! You Can.
You can grow these - - even in a small patio planter box.
In fact you can grow these almost anywhere.
And, they can fruit within just 2/3 years or even less.
Prune them to stand at 2.5 m tall. No More!
There's good science behind all this.
"Darwin found cross-pollination resulted in more numerous,
Larger, heavier, vigorous and more fertile offspring..."
The Secret Life of Plants
Do you want proof? Go watch this:
Go To >>> https://www.youtube.com/user/avocentric/videos
You'll be pleasantly surprised and glad that you did.
Watch them grow these babies.
You become one of them. Why not?
Grow 4 or more - - different avocado varieties - - close together.
I call this method "Space Saving Avocados" or Mini Avocado Trees.
Here're the top seven reasons why this works:
Plant 4 or More and You Get:
1. More fruit per tree.
2. Early and consistent - - year after year - - fruit-set.
3. They mature separately; you get All Year Round Avocados.
4. Safe and Eco-harvesting tree management & maintenance.
5. You can keep them like an average shrub - easy picking.
6. In fact, the More Varieties You Plant, The Better The Results.
7. Pruning lets Deep Sunlight Penetration >>> Healthy, balanced tree growth, more fruit, less plant pests / dis-eases.
The list of bonuses just goes on and on.
Imagine planting "Mini Avocado Trees".
Then picture a few years later.
Now see, hear and even feel all your family and friends amazed & astonished! Most gasp with unbelief - and delight - when they first see these beauties! I've caught quite a few of them on camera.
As you read every word of this, I'll give you another gift too!
Please ask for "New Gift Avo" E-Book on avocados.
There are lots more good stuff in it.
No charge. It's Fr*e^e*e!
Go for it. Visit avopro.org
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